适用于扁的、方的、锥形的、圆的、椭圆等各类形状物体的贴标。可以同时贴前后两张标签,也可选择只贴一张标。另外加轮辐机构也可以满足圆瓶贴一整周。 Apply to flat,square or irregular container, and can label front and back at the same time,user can choose it freely. Code machine is optional and high speed hot printerneed to be custom. 特性:机器主要采用SUS304不锈钢与铝合金(喷砂阳极氧化)材料。 主机采用伺服驱动,速度快,定位精度高。 PLC配合人机界面控制,操作简洁明了。 主机位置上下、前后、平行度、垂直度均可灵活调节 输送带的速度可实现数字化调节。 设备可单机作业,也可连线使用 Feature:Stainless steel 304combined with high quality alufer. Imported advanced servomotor, fast speed,high positioning accuracy. All tunoscopes are imported by custome made. PLC and human-computer sontrol systerm,more easy and convenient. Labeling position is adjustable. The hight of conveyor can match with the height of product line. 根据客户需求可加装以下产品使用: 透明标签检测器(Transpareng label monitor) 喷码机(Code machine) 高速热烫印字机(High speed hot printer) 耗 材:不干胶标签(Adhesive label) 同步带(Timing belt) 钢字色带(steel letters)